Enzumo - XPLAN Customisation + Solutions
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Are you genuinely getting the most out of your Xplan system?

Are you genuinely getting the most out of your Xplan system?

By Phil Burgess, Advice Technology Consultant, Enzumo

We see a range of Xplan installations in advice practices, and not all are getting their money's worth. However, the benefit of using your advice software extensively is the uplift in efficiency within your business. Of course, this leads to bringing more new clients onboard, increasing revenue and expanding your team.

We have some simple Xplan efficiency hacks to get you started on that growth trajectory.

1. Searching for missing names in XPLAN

Hack: Check your search filters.

In our experience, search filters within Xplan systems are assigned to identify Clients only, and Bob, the client you are looking for, is still categorised as a Prospect. As a result, a team member might have missed changing Bob to a client, or his file hasn't finished the onboarding process.

Change the search filters, and hey presto! There is Bob.

Fix: Head to the My Preferences section to set the Client Search defaults. Now, when you search for an entity in Xplan, the system will search through Client, Archived, Group Plan Members, Contact, Deceased, and Prospect categories.

It would be wise to leave the Deceased option unticked to prevent deceased clients from being identified in searches and then mistakenly used for mailouts, emails, or SMSs.

2. Changing your information title bar

Hack: Change your displayed fields.

For team members moving in and out of the Xplan system, all day, every day, it's about making information quickly accessible. That means you would want the information you regularly use, front and centre.

Would you like to be able to see different information in the title bar?

For example, if you had particulars like Adviser, Client Category or the client's suburb underneath their name, it could mean a quick click to access the details you need. Compared to your previous approach, which was to click through several different data layers.

Fix: Head to the My Preferences section and choose 'Client Focus-Options'. The last available option is 'Fields on Client Focus Title', and from here, you can select from a range of additional fields to have displayed. Next, choose the fields that make your daily tasks and processes faster and with fewer steps.

3. Missing file notes

It's a common problem we see; the moment it happens, it strikes fear in any team member. It goes like this, one of your team merges a client profile with their partner in Xplan, and all of the file notes aren't appearing. Gulp.

Hack: Change the document note default view.

When you merge a client and their partner, they will both have file notes from your previous, separate dealings with them saved against their profiles, e.g. partner notes will be under partner even though the single entity no longer exists. This is also useful for clients and partners generally. In the notes area of Xplan, the default view is to see only the file notes for the client, not the partner notes.

Fix: Change the preference within Xplan for the document note default view and indicate you wish to see both the client and the partner notes on the same screen.

These simple solutions can change how your team completes their daily tasks by allowing them to access information faster, prevent downtime spent looking for information, and prevent mistakes.

We have a lot more of these sorts of efficiency hacks available to our clients. So if you're looking for an Xplan partner to help you get the most out of your advice software, then reach out for a discussion.

TechnologyEnzumo Team